Ekamai Dental Clinic provides you various kinds of specialized dentists :
- General dentists to give an advice, oral examination and also provide patient treatment plan.
- Prosthodontists treat the patients who lost single or multiple teeth by providing removable or fixed prostheses.
- Dental surgeons with Prosthodontists solve your problems whether you lost one or all of your teeth by dental implants.
- Orthodontists can correct the gummy smile without surgery.
- Maxillofacial surgeons co-operate with Orthodontists treat and correct the abnormal facial proportion or dental arch.
- Endodontists treat the patients who feel pain and have infected teeth.
- Periodontists treat the patients who need gum surgery or who have deep calculus deposited on their root surfaces.
- Pedodontists treat the children who need pit+fissure sealant, fluoride, application, root canal treatment, strip crown and space retainer.